Category: Playing
Category: Playing

SpikyTactile Balls



Product Description

Product Description

Why We Love It
Have a Ball with Developmental Skills
Hide it, hold it, roll it and toss it! This is one of our best therapeutic play balls because it's so versatile. The spikes are firm enough to use for deep pressure and massage, but soft enough to open up a world of tactile exploration. The easy to grip textured surface also makes this ball perfect for teaching kids to catch. You can under-inflate the ball so it has more 'give' and is easier to catch. Use during free play in early childhood, physical education classes and therapy sessions.

Encourages reciprocal play and hand-eye coordination
Supports kids with sensory processing disorder, low muscle tone and visual processing disorder
Made by Fun and Function
Age 3+
Ideas for Use
Have child sit with outstretched legs across from you. Roll the ball back and forth
Ball off the wall! Toss the ball against the wall and let it bounce once before catching it
Over under! For a fun group activity, have children stand in a line. Each child passes the ball to the person behind them, relay style, alternating passing the ball over their head or between their legs
Getting Started
Inflate ball with Needle Hand Pump BL5681 (sold separately).

List Date
May 25, 2022

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