Category: Learning
Category: Learning

The Mozart Effect: Classical Music for Kids



Product Description

Product Description

Classical Music that Kids Will Love

Studies show that classical music has a powerful effect on intellectual and creative development. The Mozart Effect® for Children aims to maximize the benefits of classical music by compiling some of the best of Mozart's music to stimulate and inspire young minds and to help develop the IQ. Each of these CDs has been arranged according to tempo and key signatures in order to provide a rich and enjoyable listening and learning experience for children. Choose from the popular Relax, Daydream & Draw CD or a full set of 3 classical CDs (see details tab for more information).

Encourages music appreciation
Appropriate for children of all abilities
Provides calming auditory input at home or in the car
All ages
Helps With
Mood & Attention
Transition & Travel
Music for Children Volume 1 - Tune Up Your Mind features excerpts from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Violin Concerto No. 2, Symphony

List Date
January 26, 2022

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